
Archive for June, 2024

KMS ver. 1.2.392 – MapleStory Milestone: Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight!

June 22, 2024 21 comments

The first patch of the summer update, Milestone, has been released, featuring the Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight: Aran & Eunwol Remaster. It also contains various game system changes and improvements, as well as the main summer event One Page in Memory, themed around the pasts of the Black Mage’s commanders.

In other news, many of you might have heard about Steve (x3TheAran59) and Kobe (iSIingGunz)’s account issues. While I am lucky enough to still be able to play, depending on what response they get, that might change. If I’m no longer able to play the game with my friends, it really would have a huge effect on my motivation going forward, and I may choose to quit as well. And if I do that, I think I would probably no longer be doing any of this either (i.e. translating KMS updates and writing this blog). It would feel really weird to continue to translate updates for a version that I would not be playing. Nothing confirmed either way yet but I just wanted to share my brief thoughts for now.

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KMST ver. 1.2.174 – Remaster Updates & Game Changes

June 14, 2024 27 comments

The second test world patch has been released, with further changes to the Aran & Eunwol remasters as well as a bunch of game system changes and improvements. Unfortunately it seems like most Aran and Eunwol players are still dissatisfied and with only one more week until the live server release, it doesn’t seem like there’s much possibility that it can be made significantly better by then…

Meanwhile, for regular servers, the new Additional Potential reset system is really expensive and they added way more expensive Bonus Rewards for Epic Dungeons which is of course making regular server players mad too.

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KMST ver. 1.2.173 – Aran & Eunwol Remaster

June 9, 2024 44 comments

The test world was updated a couple hours after the showcase, with the first iteration of the Aran and Eunwol remasters! It’s just the skill changes, nothing else. The next test world patch will be this Thursday, and will contain more changes as well as the various events we’re going to get the week after in the official server.

Similar to what happened with the Angelic Buster remaster, I think I’m just going to translate the patch notes as-is (with some additions and fixes, I noticed that Nexon did miss some changes so I included those where I noticed them) and then for the official server patch, I’ll do full skill translations to make it easier to understand.

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2024 MapleStory Summer Showcase- Milestone Update Summary!

June 8, 2024 22 comments

Last night, the 2024 MapleStory summer showcase took place, where they detailed the things that will be added in the Milestone update over the next few months as well as talked a little bit about other content up until November of this year!

The in-game map you could go to was also pretty nice as it gave experience passively as you were inside (I got 2% in total at level 286!) and there were various quiz events that each rewarded 5 VIP Boosters and 5 Sol Erda Fragments if you got the answer right.

After the showcase, the test server went up with the first iteration of the (spoilers) Aran and Eunwol remaster. The next test patch is going to be on the 13th so they will probably make more changes and add the corresponding events in that one. I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible so expect another post for KMST in a day or two!

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