KMST ver. 1.2.138 – New Boss, Level 250 Equipment & More Balancing!

February 17, 2022 23 comments


A week before the official server patch, the test world has been updated with the new boss Watcher Kalos and its area of The Tower That Never Stops, Karotte as well as the new level 250 Ethernel equipment and more job balancing!

Unfortunately, Karotte is not a new level 275 area, it is only a small storyline addition to Hotel Arcs at level 270 and it does not have a new Authentic Symbol or any new monster maps. But it does tease the next area in Grandis, which will be called Odium!

Will be adding in the last few error fixes at a later time since I’m busy playing Lost Ark :^)

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KMS ver. 1.2.360 – MapleStory Destiny: Adventurer Remaster!

January 27, 2022 56 comments

Adventurer Remaster

The second patch of the MapleStory Destiny update has been released! It contains the long-awaited Adventurer Remaster, as well as job balancing for all jobs and various system/QoL changes. This entire set of test world patches over the past month were some of the longest and most frequent in a very long time so I’m glad I can finally take a break haha.

However, since the Adventurer remaster is now finalized, I am planning to record videos showing them all off, especially because they added skill voices in the official server! Not sure when I can get them all out but I’ll try to start this weekend.

Also, I think I forgot to mention it before but I finally made a Patreon! A lot of people were asking me about this for a while so I set it up a couple of weeks ago. If you want to support me, you can check out the page! Of course, it’s not required, but white-listing my blog in your ad blocker would also help. All proceeds go into the blog’s yearly costs (and my NX addiction). 🙂

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KMST ver. 1.2.137 – More Skill Changes

January 24, 2022 44 comments

Meso Explosion Effect (Bloody Pocket)

Another test server patch was released today, only a couple of days before when the Adventurer remaster and the job balancing will hit the official server! This one contains a lot more numerical adjustments in addition to some structural and effect changes.

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KMST ver. 1.2.136 – Job Balancing!

January 18, 2022 66 comments


As mentioned before, a new test world patch was released that includes balance changes for all jobs! They also made further changes to the Adventurers, including to their story quests, and certain systems have been modified or removed entirely.

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KMST ver. 1.2.135 – Adventurer Remaster Changes

January 12, 2022 18 comments

Phantom Blow Effect

A surprise test world patch was released today, with some changes to the Adventurer remaster! The planning team leader Kim Chang-seop wrote these notes and mentioned they released additional changes earlier than planned as a way of repaying players’ enthusiasm and support for this update.

The next set of changes should be released next week on January 18, which is also when they will be doing a balance patch for all jobs.

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