Maple Us: MapleStory Employee Blog

January 11, 2022 4 comments

Maple Us

As mentioned in the Destiny Live Talk, Nexon has released a new website called Maple Us, where MapleStory employees (mostly programmers at the moment) have written various posts about what they work on and the processes they go through. The articles are genuinely really interesting and I was surprised at how in-depth they went! The site also works as a recruitment site where it lists out some of the benefits employees get, what jobs they’re currently hiring for, and how you can get in touch.

I’m definitely not going be translating these as the articles are pretty long and I’m way too lazy but if you’re interested in things like how features in-game get implemented from start to finish, or how their backend DBs work, things like that, it’s definitely worth a look (using Google Translate should be enough). However, since they just released it, I’ll just list out some of the things that popped out to me in each of the current articles.

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KMST ver. 1.2.134 – Adventure Remaster!

January 6, 2022 124 comments

Adventurers Character Creation

The long-awaited Adventurer remaster has been released in the test world! This post is gonna take a while so I will post early and update every time I’m finished with another job. Keep checking back for more information! Unfortunately, the patch notes don’t state what they changed, they just have all the skills listed from scratch, which makes it annoying to see what’s different and to translate as well haha.

Latest update (10:00 PM EST): All classes have been added! If you see any mistakes let me know 🙂

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MapleStory Destiny Live Talk!

January 5, 2022 18 comments

MapleStory Destiny Live Talk

Earlier today, the MapleStory team held the MapleStory Destiny Live Talk, a live Q&A with the general director Kang Won-ki and the planning team director Kim Chang-seop, to talk about things that they didn’t fully explain during the showcase as well as answer questions from players in real-time. I’ll summarize most of the main points that they mentioned, it might be a little vague in parts just because of the format of the event.

And of course, tonight, the Adventurer remaster will be released in the test world! The post will probably take a long time considering I’ll have to translate 14 jobs’ skills so expect delays. I might post early and constantly update until I’m done as well but I’m not sure yet.

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KMS ver. 1.2.359 – MapleStory Destiny: Starlight Symphony!

December 30, 2021 16 comments


The first patch of the MapleStory Destiny update has been released! This contains a ton of quality of life improvements from the Voice of Maplers initiative as well as new boss difficulties and a new boss accessory set. And of course, the winter update events like the Starlight Symphony and Burning World.

The next test world update will be on January 6 and that’s when we’ll see the full Adventurer remaster! The MapleStory team also announced the Destiny Live Talk, a live broadcast that will be held on January 5 at 6PM KST where they’ll give some more detailed information about the update and have a Q&A session with players.

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Talking About What was Lacking in the Destiny Showcase

December 24, 2021 18 comments


A new letter has been posted on the MapleStory homepage, written by the director of MapleStory, Kang Won-ki. Since the Destiny showcase, some players have been sharing their thoughts on the update schedule and the content being added. There were players that were mad the Adventurer remaster would be coming so late, or that they would have to remake their equips for the new level 250 set, things like that.

Director Won-ki’s letter talks about the showcase and how they may have not explained their intentions clear enough.

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